I shan't be around the blog very much in the next ten days or so, so okaying comments may be a bit delayed, and posts a bit thin on the ground (now there's a badly handled metaphor!). If you detect a whiff of tequila around, that'll be because I'll be coming from Mexico. I've just looked at the forecast, and it's Heavy Showers in Mexico City, whereas it's brilliant gold autumn sunshine here in London. Have I made the wrong decision?
And in my last post, It's here in my hand and I'm dancing, I failed to credit children's author Steve Feasy for the choreography and naming of the Happy Author Dance. On the other hand, I have copyright in its first cousin, the Sad Author Trawl, in which dancers go into every bookshop they pass, to see if their book is on the shelves. The Sad Author Trawl has a high-energy variant, known as the New Novel Hang-Around, in which dancers try not to look like shoplifters while covertly observing whether theirs is the book that browsing customer's picked up from the 3-for-2s. Only another couple of weeks...